Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Why Choose Organic Food – Does It Really Keep You Fit?

Eat good quality food instead of mouth watering junk foods to lead a healthy and energetic life. But how could you know which food items are good from your health perspective? With regards to the budding theories over healthy food items, the word “Organic “has become very important in the past few years. Why is it so? Because organic foods are better, healthier and excellent for maintaining a healthy life.

Did you know?

Your antioxidant intake will increase by 20%-40% by eating organic foods.
Organic foods have more nutrient and lesser calorie value than those appetizing junk foods.
Here is the list of the reasons why you should choose organic food over those deep-fried, mouth-watering, taste buds satiating junk food items.

Promotes detoxification

Organic foods do not require harmful pesticides or herbicides for their production. These chemicals are direct source of toxins for your body, thus causing health diseases and illnesses. Eating organic foods save your body from the harmful effects of these toxic chemicals and optimize its capacity for better nutrient absorption.

Facilitates Weight Loss in a Natural Way

The organic foods have very low glycemic index and their regular intake will help in losing extra pounds from your body weight naturally. So, if you want to lose weight without putting extra efforts, just include organic foods in your daily diet and you will become slim quickly.

Satiates Taste Buds

Your taste buds might not allow you to opt for complete organic diet, but researches have proven that eating organic foods on regular basis satisfies your taste buds more than those delectable scrap foods. It means the more you eat organic food, the more scrumptious you will find them.

Intensifies Energy Level

Organic foods are known for improving the body metabolism that increases your energy level appreciably. It means the moment you leave your bed in the morning; you will feel more energetic and healthier.

Now, when you are aware of the health benefits associated with the organic foods, make them an essential part of your diet. Being one of the popular and trusted wholesale organic food suppliers in Malaysia, we supply high quality organic foods to all food stores there.

Why Organic Food is Considered a Sustainable Option?

People are more concerned about sustainability and the environment today. Issues like smog, rising global temperatures, water pollution, and oodles of plastic waste have raised concerns among us. That’s why many people nowadays question how their food is grown? Whether conventional methods are used or organic? Lastly, whether it’s grown sustainably or not? Organic food offers a more sustainable, long term solution for four main reasons:

Reason #1 – Less Soil and Water Pollution: Soil and water pollution are two major problems the world is facing today, and food production using pesticides is surely the biggest part of the problem. According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about 1/3 or the world’s soil has already been degraded because of “chemical heavy” farming techniques, and deforestation. Soil and water are extremely valuable farming resources. Organically grown food does not use toxic fertilizers and pesticides that can deplete soils over time and pollute our water supplies.

Reason #2 – Use of Less Energy and No Pesticides: Many agree that oil, gas and coal will not last for future generations. That’s why people are moving towards more renewable forms of energy, like wind and solar. Farmers are making a paradigm shift towards the food grown without the use of harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Under organic production, farmers produce crops with natural fertilizers and less energy. They also follow strict rules about what inputs can be used.

Reason #3 – Greater Biodiversity: It’s not a hidden secret that wildlife is under constant threat because of chemical-based agricultural practices. Due to the use of pesticides, there has been a sudden decline in birds and other wildlife. Organic farming is beneficial for wildlife because it results in greater biodiversity of plants, animals, insects and microbes.

Reason #4 – Fewer Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Climate change is another very concerning serious global threat. Moreover, the agriculture and food production is the major contributor to this threat and the release of greenhouse gases. From the reports, it has been concluded that 1/3 of our greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture and food production. Organic farms release less amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Healthy soils are a major source of carbon storage and organic farming results in increased carbon sequestration.

Eating organic food is eating sustainably! We should consider organic food as a long term solution to decrease our dependence on oil-based fertilizers and pesticides, increase biodiversity, decrease greenhouse gas emissions and soil & water pollution. So if you are looking for healthy organic food, Diet Angel is the place for you! We supply raw organic cacao food products to health food stores, organic food stores and food businesses in Malaysia.

Check this link to know where to get our organic raw cacao products in Malaysia: http://www.dietangel.com.my/where-to-get/